Country Joe's Place
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Results from This Site: 61 - 70 of 79 total results for 7
  • Isn't this year a trip? and, it's 5,6,7, why not draft ole Willie...Gates? Don't just sit there and sigh and cry Whoopee! Time for pigs to fly!! Come on generals let's move fast Your big chance
  • 2006 Compiled by Berkeley Post No. 7, Department of California (January 4, 1944) Berkeley Daily Gazette sidebar, May 30, 1944 Updated by Linda Rosen, Mark Peters, Joe McDonald, Louis Capolino for the
  • the Times Crimea Fund had amassed almost £7,000 and John C. MacDonald, engineer and later manager of the Times, was chosen to act as its almoner. Another Times colleague, Henry Reeve, was a friend
  • 1851 From July 6-October 7 she is again at Kaiserswerth not as a guest but as a probationer (student). As a probationer she writes her Curriculum Vitae where she talks about her sickly childhood (something
  • 7. Blues for Breakfast 3:35 Peter Frankel, acoustic lead guitar; Sandy Rothman, dobro; Barry Flast, piano; Stephen Borsotti, bass. 8. Clara Barton 3:34 Jerry Garcia, guitar. 9. Blues for Michael 6:
  • to Hampshire with her family when she was about 6/7 yrs old but Lea Hurst remained the summer home and retreat for the family and family friends constantly during FN's lifetime. Each visit brought her
  • Congress and other government agencies on behalf of the 7,465 women Vietnam veterans. She joined the 71st Evacuation Hospital in Pleiku, South Vietnam, after telling herself: "If our boys were being
  • The next stop is Vietnam And it's 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates There ain't no time to wonder why Whoopee we're all gonna die. How this war protester came to develop a memorial honoring Berkeley'
  • probably 7 or 8 years old. His face and clothes were dirty, he clutched a ragged teddy bear in his right hand and a small blue plastic bag in his right -- at that moment in time, that was everything he
  • 1837 February 7, God spoke to her at Embley; "God called her to His service" but she is not clear on how to "serve" Him. September, the family travels to Europe while Embley is being remodeled. She

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