Results from This Site: 41 - 50 of 69 total results for Bible
July 2018 7-31-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 51:14 Old-Site of the Day: 42Bastian Schick's WWW-home Another old website about Atari's last consoles, the Lynx & the Jaguar. Since at least 2004. Contains
So here's A Bible Verse for Today: Ecclesiastes 1:12-14 They made the official announcement early: is closing on March 14. Visits to WebSiteRing Today: 475; Unique: 205; Wow...lots of views for
Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:19-21 Search service of the Day: A decent, but sometimes slow search engine. They have their own crawler, named GeonaBot. I should use this one more often.
Book, Movie, and Game Reviews! Archeology! Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 86:8-10 599;146 1-30-18 Old-Site of the Day: About developing games and demos for the Game Boy Advanced. News Archives
but at least someone's working on it. Bible Verse of the Day: Mark 10:17-29 Old-Site of the Day: Online resume of a Japanese documentary filmmaker living in New York. Designed in 2000,
here, but I don't know how long it'll last. Bible Verse of the Day: Deuteronomy 4:29 9-29-17 327;40 9-28-17 Old-Site of the Day: Labyrinth: The Unofficial Home Page A fansite for the Jim Henson Fantasy
Updates June 2017 6-30-17 15; 13 6-29-17 Bible Verse of the Day: Luke 12:13-20 The Hampster's New Home An article from December 2006, after DMOZ was rebuilt from their server crash 2 months earlier.
Almost forgot; they're from Finland.) Bible Verse of the Day: Exodus 15:3 574;84 11-29-17 Old-Site of the Day: "This site, which documents the history of pre-IBM PCs, is a tribute to the
Has a good article on the dangers of the cloud. Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Kings 18:44 98;65 8-23-17Old-Site of the Day: Harvest: A Distributed Search System Website for an open-source search project.
12-21-2022 Bible Verse of the Day: Ecclesiates 3:1-15 1-12-2023 Bible Verse of the Day! 1-13-2023 Bible Verse of the Day! 1-17-2023 Bible Verse of the day! 2-10-23 Old-Site of the Day: An Interview