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For example ribose (mp 86°C) in a liquid phase seems to have an appreciable decomposition/dehydration rate at body temperature that would produce a color in some, perhaps extended, amount of time.
congruence with the face of Christ. The clearest example of this was given by Roberto Falcinelli, who showed the similarities between the Shroud face and a self-portrait of Albert Durero. There were,
neck did not go unnoticed. Despite the An example of this compositional humility is the root of all virtue, then it hours he must have taken to complete technique may be found in an illustra-
Thus on Figure 57, A, B, for example, locations of various flora on the body image have been confused. These printer’s errors undoubtedly will be corrected in future editions. This may be moot, since
Most importantly, STURP set the example and formed the solid foundation upon which future Shroud science will be based. Thank you very much. Barrie Schwortz
An example of an inflorescence of a plant from the Asteraceae (Compositae), best fitting in size and morphology to that of Chrysanthemum coronarium, is presented in Fig. 1. Hundreds of additional flowers
opposition, for example Zugibe claims that asphyxiation is not the direct cause of death in crucifixion, and that it was impossible for the person undergoing this form of punishment to lift himself
Holy Mandylion, an example of a 19th century icon. 18. Holy Mandylion (Fresco), 53 Holy Mandylion, finding of (Fresco), 58 Holy Mandylion above wall of Edessa (painting), 58 Holy Mandylion (depictions)
without our knowledge. For example, this: On the Internet we found that there had been worked on for 15 years an exhibition of the Shroud of Turin that was going to be displayed in Salamanca, Spain.
for example in the self-portrait called "in a cloak of fur »43 (Fig. 5 and cover of this Cahier); or on a Véronique with a head crowned with thorns 44(Fig. 6). Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig.