Case Sensitive:
Depending on what platform your web server is running from determines whether or not your
web site is case sensitive. A simple test is to take a complete URL with a specific
filename at the end, and pull it up with your browser. For example: http://www.yourname.com/doctest.html. Once this document is successfully retrieved, change the
name of the document by typing it in uppercase. For example: http://www.yourname.com/DOCTEST.HTML. If the same document is retrieved as the first time, then
your server is not case sensitive (leave the box "Case Sensitive" unchecked).
However, if an error message pops up, or a DIFFERENT document is retrieved, then your
server is case sensitive (check the box "Case Sensitive"). In our example,
it proves that the server is case sensitive.
If you know the platform that your server is running from, then here is the general rule
of thumb: Unix based servers are case sensitive, Mac and Windows based servers are not case sensitive.
Numbers (Digits):
By checking this box, you are deciding that numbers should be indexed. For instance,
if you have a numeric figure like 123456 as a free-standing word within a document, then that number will
be searchable. This is useful for websites that use part or inventory numbers.
Word Endings:
With this option, you can instruct our system to include default English word endings to
your web index. For example, if you had the word climb on one of your documents,
by checking the "Word Endings" box above, if someone were to type in the words
climbs, climbed, or climbing those would also match
the document.
Default Document:
The default document refers to the filename that you use for the primary document for a
directory. Some examples are: index.htm, index.html, deafult.htm, default.asp. By providing this default document name, it will help
reduce the chances of a duplicate document being indexed. For example: http://www.yourname.com/ and
http://www.yourname.com/index.html are the same document. By setting our default document
setting accordingly, only ONE of the two documents will be indexed. |