Results from This Site: 1 - 10 of 69 total results for Bible
Nov. 2018 11-30-18 375;119 11-29-18 Bible Verse of the Day: Psalm 136:1,26 Old-Site of the Day: Mermaid_Elizabeth's International Download Links for Microsoft Chat 2.5 "This is a download page for the
2-12-21 Bible Verse of the Day: James 2:18-20 Old-Site of the Day: A forum for technology tips. I linked to a 2002 thread where someone's trying to upgrade a netework, from IPX to TCP/IP.
January 2021 2-29-21 Bible Verse of the Day: Mark 9:35 Superfrog: The Tribute Site From the site's front page: "I set up this site in September 2000 because I realised that there were very little sites
Bible Verse of the Day: 16:33 12-29-2020 Old-Site of the Day: A Japanese fan page for video games. I linked to an English-language page about Game Boy accessories, online since at least
but it's still worth noting. Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Chronicles 16:8 Old-Site of the Day:, in 1996 A simple page where users could add someone's name if they were having a birthday. It
according to their copyright. Bible Verse of the Day: Matthew 27:50-54 10-30-2020 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Peter 3:18-22 10-29-2020 Old-Site of the Day: Since at least 2000, this
September 2020 9-30-2020 Bible Verse of the Day: Philippians 1:9-10 9-29-2020 Old-Site of the Day: Watched a very small bit of Pokemon Live yesterday. The announcer mentioned this site
8-25-2020 Bible Verse of the Day: Romans 12 Had trouble choosing a verse. Don't worry; it's a short chapter. 8-25-2020 Bble Verse of the Day: Psalm 119:165-167 Old-Site of the Day: Classic TV Hits Have
May 2018 5-31-18 Bible Verse of the Day: 1 Thessalinians 4:16-17 Old-Site of the day: iQue Official Site The iQue was a minituraized N64 made by Nintendo for the Chinese market in 2003. Somehow the official
363;92 6-29-18 73;32 6-28-18 Bible Verse of the Day: 2 Peter 3:9 Old-Site of the Day: Coming Soon Magazine Now here's something exciting. While searching for a Good site on a canceled Pac-Man game from