An example to reduce chromatic effects in an extreme case corresponding to the acquisition of the man face of the Turin Shroud is presented and discussed. 1) INTRODUCTION Notwithstanding the several
Turkey) by 12th-century Turkish Moslems, for example, yielded "many treasures hidden in secret places, foundations, roofs from the earliest times of the fathers and elders. . . .of which the citizens
Examples of Easter Sepulchres: permanent - St Andrew’s Church, Irnham, Lincolnshire; portable - Weinhausen, near Hanover (note the bas relief figure of Christ); Baar, Zug; Maigrauge, Freiburg. !
For example, more information about the mechanism of image formation on the cloth may be obtained. This obviously implies proper calibration of the acquisition systems with uncertainty evaluation (done
Turin. And finally it examines other examples of Cranach’s work particularly his Christ as the Man of Sorrows dated 1515. Background ! The Lier Shroud (above)(1) is housed in the Treasury of St
example, protons ionize the cellulose as they pass through the fiber. This warps the crystals, making the protons' paths birefringent. You can see where they went in the fiber by the straight lines
example illustrations pp. 146, 154, 188, 197, 206) (3) Kelly, H. A. and Noble, C. P., GYNECOLOGY AND ABDOMINAL SURGERY, Volume II, Illustrated by Hermann Becker, Max Brodel and Others, W. B. Saunders,
Marcel Alonso, in France, for example, is on record as holding to the homogeneous viewpoint. (24). Since this may go to the heart of the issue I believe a recap of the problem is in order. The first
For example, whether dealing with a woven tapestry or with a linen cloth, the “restorers” of all ages face completely different problems when these textiles require mending. The way, how to close
Barrie established these in groups of 10—for example, 5-A-1 through 5-A-10, followed by 5-B-1 through 5-B-10, etc. Therefore, in order to show this “tour around the table” I have opted to organized