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Search Results: 51 - 60 of 106 total results for JESUS
  • 2 This mentions Christ, because it is Jesus Christ who brings this change. Jesus said, “I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”3 Most surprising, as I read the gospels about
  • Jesus Christ, I learned, was not my example, he was my substitute. I wasn't supposed to imitate his suffering, but to take advantage of it. In his death on the cross – which I discovered he did willingly
  • For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."2 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require
  • To illustrate his unconditional love, Jesus told this story. What a Father Did “A man had two sons. The younger son [in great disrespect] told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before
  • He sent his Son, Jesus, to die on the cross in our place. And because Jesus (being God in the flesh) lived a sinless life, he could pay the penalty for someone else. He paid it for us." And he said,
  • they also have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Scenario A: Showing Why Marriages Fail It's Saturday morning and Jon wants to play golf with his buddies. He rolls out of bed and tells Lisa that he'
  • Jesus Christ was not only God's Son, he was God who had taken on a human form and a human nature. "In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word [Jesus] was with God, and the Word [Jesus] was God.
  • He did this by sending Jesus to earth, to walk in our shoes, and live perfectly. But that's not all. We deserved punishment for our sins, but Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross on our behalf.
  • Every major religion honors Jesus. Who is Jesus Christ? Was he a Prophet? Or is Jesus God? See the historical facts… Article by Paul E. Little Read by Eric Fleshood I just asked Jesus into my life
  • Jesus Christ." I said, "Oh, for God's sake, don't give me that garbage. I'm fed up with religion. I'm fed up with the church. I'm fed up with the Bible. Don't give me that garbage about religion." She